Hi, I’m Nicole Yamanaka!

As a Practicing Kinesiologist with the (BC Association of Kinesiologists) BCAK and ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) trained Forest Therapy Guide, my goal is to help you reconnect with your dreams and goals, so you can live your best life. With over 25 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry, I am passionate about mental and physical health and believe in the innate wisdom that lies within you, and in nature, to guide us on what’s best for you to thrive.

As a Kinesiologist and Health Coach

I certainly wasn’t a sporty jock growing up (can you say C- in Physical Education?), I did grow to appreciate activity in my later years, shaping my attitude towards exercise and also influencing my training style which incorporates principles from activities such as rock climbing, hiking, martial arts, pole dancing, yoga and Pilates to help you explore what’s possible, try something different and have a little more fun.

I attained my bachelor’s in Kinesiology at Simon Fraser University many, many moons ago (okay fine, 2001) and have loved the industry of helping people more than I could have ever dreamt.

I honestly thought I’d be a research scientist living alone in the woods with a fox and a crow as my best friends.

For the past couple decades, I operated a successful Personal Training and Kinesiology studio in Vancouver, attracted a brilliant team of therapists and an amazing family of clients. My motto was always “no one cares what you know, unless they know how much you care.” That, and “if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.”

While I loved almost every moment of that life, that world was leading me to burnout and I could see the impacts of chronic stress starting to take its toll. I decided to heed my own advice, and embark on a new journey of reinvention, combing human health with my passion for nature.

Enter Forest Therapy

I grew up playing in the forest and along creeks of Port Coquitlam, and while I didn’t know the name of every tree, bush and mushroom, this was always my favourite place to return to when school was out, and our parents ushered us out of the house to roam. The beauty, abundance and calming nature of the woods is one I’m always happy to share with others…and I’m sure the forest is happy to share, too.

On weekends, I like to spend time with my therapist (nature) and you might be able to find me hiking with my family and pup. My background in biology at SFU attracted me to the topics of the environment, conservation and animal welfare and the quote “we only protect what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we are taught” (Jacques-Yves Cousteau) really helped me solidify Forest Therapy as my new path. That, plus the passing of my soul-dog Shadow…but that’s another story for another time.

I’m excited to share my expertise in health and wellness, in combination with the benefits of nature therapy to help you create the life of your dreams.

Let's Begin!