Frequently asked questions.

Are sessions with a Kinesiologist covered by insurance?

Approved Kinesiology sessions though ICBC are fully covered. I recommend checking your health benefits coverage to see if Kinesiology sessions are included. Some plans require a doctor’s note, while other company may have a health allowance benefit.

How is Health coaching different from Personal Training?

While many times, personal training and kinesiology sessions involve health coaching as a foundational aspect, the focus is in the gym setting primarily on movement mechanics, working out, getting a sweat on or rehabilitation of an injury, and it’s the place “where the rubber hits the road.”

Health Coaching sessions (conducted virtually or on the phone) tend to focus more holistically on a client’s mental and physical health, as well as environmental components. A client may even have their own personal trainer that they work with, so will I support their success together, and work with the client on other aspects that may be challenging to discuss in a gym setting.

So while complimentary and often overlapping, both services cover different needs.

What is a Kinesiologist?

A Kinesiologist is an individual that has completed a minimum 4 year bachelor’s degree with an accredited university. Covered in that program are in depth courses on biomechanics, physiology, human nutrition and more. What this education does is provides a foundation for the analysis and understanding of evidence based training techniques (for those of us that continue to work in the human movement specialization) in order to serve our clients better and provide them with efficient workout programming. Translation? Better, faster results.

Many of us also opt to work in the field of injury management and active rehabilitation, so that foundational understanding is critical for effective program design, in order to help our clients recover from injury.

How accessible are Forest Therapy Walks?

Walks move slowly over a gentle landscape and are typically 1 km or less in length. Our goal is provide an experience that is accessible to people of all fitness levels, ages and abilities. Please contact us if you have specific questions about your needs and accommodations.

Can we use a Forest Therapy walk as a team building activity?

Absolutely! Not only would it be great to prevent burnout and help your team feel renewed and more creative, it’s a great exercise to improve physical and mental health markers such as reduced mental stress, lower blood pressure, improved memory and decision making. We’ve worked with groups to facilitate getting ready to take on big challenges, make big decisions or counterintuitively, hit important deadlines.

What should I wear to a Forest Therapy session?

Given Vancouver is always full of surprises, two things to keep in mind: check the weather forecast the day of, and be prepared for anything. Layers are always great! I’ll send out a how to prepare and list of things to bring prior to the event.

Why should I pay to go for a walk in the forest?

You shouldn’t! Nature spaces are meant for everybody, and while entry to some national parts might have a fee, simply going out by yourself, or with a group of friends to the local parks is definitely something I encourage.

A guided Forest Therapy walk is a little different in that you’ll be in the care of a certified guide who’s responsible for helping to create an experience for it’s participants. Guides are familiar with the trails and have Wilderness First Aid certification.

It’s very similar to how you can do yoga at home or in a park for free. Alternatively if you wish to attend a class with a certified instructor, there is a class fee. The option is yours!